Are you a procrastinator? Do you hate shopping for Hallmark holidays? Want to give your sweetie or other loved ones a really heartfelt, handmade gift made just for them?
Is this just not your style?

Come on over to Camp Cactus Studio for a Valentine-making extravaganza. We'll be in the studio all day Saturday crafting love notes, cards and cute little shrines.
Pop-up valentines:
(this one's plain as can be...imagine what you can do with color!)
Danish Hearts:
and even tiny little matchbox shrines like this:
Saturday, February 13
drop by anytime from Noon - 4 pm
all ages are welcome
$15 per person
all materials included
RSVP Jane at 503.347.2319
Camp Cactus Studio is located on NE Brazee @ 45th Avenue in Portland
and we're wheelchair accessible
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