Friday, November 28, 2014

It's a knockout!

 In boxing terminology, the letters TKO mean "technical knockout", but around Portland "TKO" stands for a knockout of another kind…
Tamara King is a fiber artist whose stunning color and fabric combinations knock me out every time I see them. She's been a part of Camp Cactus sales for many years, and has quite a following of fans.
A long-time quilter, she lets her fabulous color sense guide her in sewing everything from tote bags to backpacks to accessories. This year she's making tea towels and potholders in happy colors that are destined to brighten many a Portland kitchen this winter.
Since her meticulous attention to detail requires a ridiculous amount of work, her items will be in short supply, and each piece is a one-of-a-kind work of art, destined to become a cherished heirloom.

Tamara King Originals…a total knockout!
They can be found exclusively at the Camp Cactus Holiday Sale next weekend.
Click here for all the details: Camp Cactus Holiday Sale.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The very busy hands of Rachael Ramos!

Rachael Ramos is a serial crafter. She seems to always be doing something fun and creative with her hands. We never know what she's going to bring to Camp Cactus, but it's always unique and beautiful!
Here are some examples of her work from past sales:

And here's a little bit about Rachael in her own words:
I learned to make things and be thrifty from my grandma. It was her most valuable gift to me.
My handmade items are mostly crocheted, sewn or knitted, but there isn't a craft out there that I don't like, so you never know what I will do. Most of my materials are partial skeins of yarn and vintage fabrics and beads, found at thrift stores, yard and estate sales - so items are often one of a kind because of the limited materials.
I hope you can come and shop locally this year
 and meet all our talented artisans!
Click here for all the details: Camp Cactus 2014 Holiday Sale

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Holiday Sale 2014

I'm happy to announce that in less than two weeks, 
Camp Cactus Studio will again be magically transformed into a warm and cozy gallery and boutique, featuring the art and craft of 24 fantastically gifted local artists and craftspeople.
As always, we'll be donating a portion of all sales to the Oregon Food Bank.

Please join us on Friday Evening, December 5th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm for our preview evening, and a chance to meet many of the artists, sip wine, nibble delicious goodies, and shop for locally made treasures.

Friday, December 5th  6:00 - 9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
December 6th & 7th  10:00 am-6:00 pm

We're located on NE Brazee, between 44th and 45th Avenues in Portland's Hollywood District.

Stop by and have a cup of hot cider 
and share some holiday cheer.
Stay tuned... in the days to come I'll be sharing sneak peeks 
of what our artists are working on to bring to the show!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

school's out! art classes, anyone?

Portland Public Schools are closed this Monday, November 10th. Here are a couple of fun classes to keep everyone happy and creative on what promises to be a dark and rainy day!

New! Kid's Painting Studio
An open studio where kids and adults ages 5 and up can come and draw and paint to their heart's content in a supportive, non-critical environment.
Artists are free to choose from a variety of projects, from autumn leaf watercolors to painting from imagination or various visual sources such as photographs and still life. All materials provided

Monday, November 10th  10am-noon       cost: $25
Ages 5 and up  •  Class size is limited  •  Preregistration required

number of students attending:
choose a class date

Fabulous Fairy Footwear
Make your very own designer Fairy or Elf shoes. We'll draft a custom-sized pattern and sew and embellish with threads and buttons and ribbons and magic. All materials provided. This fun class teaches basic pattern-drafting, embroidery and hand sewing skills. No prior sewing experience necessary.

Monday afternoon, November 10th   1:30-4:30 pm       $30   
Ages 5 - adult  •  Class size is limited  •  Preregistration required

number of students